Steve Racine D.C.
Dr Racine is a well-established authority on health & the human body.
Dr Racine has developed methods over the past 25+ years – to help resolve health problems & pain, efficiently & consistently. These proven methods are safe, gentle, and very effective.
Dr Racine has patients from all over, that come to Winter Park for results. Dr Racine also offers, TeleMedicine services.
Dr. Steve Racine always knew he wanted to be in a position to help and influence positive changes in people’s lives. At Hollywood Hills High School, Steve was heading in the Pre-Law direction. While in high school, he started working part time at the Memorial Same Day Surgery Center in Hollywood. The thinking was to do Medical and Malpractice Law – and those were the types of courses followed in his early college education. The more and more Steve learned about health & medicine – fascination took over and soon thereafter, a change to Pre-Medicine.
The car accident that changed everything…
After a serious car accident – he was referred to a chiropractor… from the chief MD at the FSU school clinic.
Dr. Steve had been to chiropractors before, but none like this one (an Atlas Orthogonal specialist) – and from the moment Steve found this highly specialized method of healthcare…he was fascinated with all aspects of this specialty work.
After being physically helped himself, and seeing all kinds of other people improve their health at the Atlas specialist clinic… Dr. Steve Racine decided on a drastic change. After attending a short while in the medical school program, Dr. Racine decided on transferring to chiropractic school in Atlanta, GA – Life University. The intent was to complete the four years of chiropractic school, and complete the two year Post Doctorate program in the Atlas Orthogonal specialty. Upon completion, Dr. Racine then did a residency internship in St. Petersburg, FLA.
From this time on… Dr. Steve Racine has been helping many, many people – without drugs or surgeries. He constantly strives to get better as a human being and doctor. He continually searches for advancement in the healing arts.
You will be hard pressed to find a doctor who is more dedicated, more compassionate, and more capable in solving your health and pain issues.